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2nd VP AFSCME 46th International Convention Report

September 3rd , 2024

“AFSCME 46th International Convention”

This year’s convention was held in Los Angeles Ca.

There were over 4000 members in attendance. There were several guest speakers including Tim Walz potential VP and Mayor Karen Bass. Throughout the week we voted on various resolutions. We also had some entertainment throughout the week. Most notably we had an all-female mariachi band. It was amazing to watch them perform.
This year I was able to participate in pin trading and got to mix and mingle with more union brothers and sisters than I did at the last convention. I traded with Hawaii, Texas, Alaska, and Minnesota, to name a few.
I was able to meet others who work for municipalities and share experiences. Not just work related “shop talk” but also how our unions operate. I was on a mission to meet as many people as possible so that I can better help L444 and Council 57. It was an honor to be able to represent 444. I spent some time with a few guys from Kentucky/Ohio area who worked for the Water district in that area. We discussed management issues, personnel issues, and construction and maintenance.
There were several workshops during the week. I participated in 2 workshops. Both were about negotiating. Topics included “How can contract language help build a strong Union”. Successful tactics, workplace, community, and Political action. Personally, I felt the workshops could have been organized better. The first I went to was good. Unfortunately, it was only one person doing the presentation which can make it hard in a room full of people. The second workshop had two people, but I felt they were not prepared well enough. Tony, Dave, Fermin, and I also had to discuss L444 and C57 business, which was a good opportunity Fermin to learn and better understand how we conduct business in a small group setting.
It was great to hanging out with my 444 brothers. We all chatted with folks from all over the world. The discussions could be from union business to sports, family, cooking, you name it. We all had something in common.
Overall, I had a great experience. I am truly thankful to represent L444 at this year’s convention. We are truly blessed with how strong our union is. I cannot believe how many unions struggle because they lack leadership, teamwork, or how anti-union their bosses are. There is strength in numbers. We are fortunate that we have over 90%-member participation!

Eric Larsen said a quote recently and he said “We Stand on Shoulders of Giants”. Going to this year’s convention reminded me of that. The sacrifices of others built what we have today, AFSCME Local 444!

Thank you for letting me be delegate to this year’s convention. I learned a lot from so many AFSCME brothers and sisters.

Gilbert Loredo
AFSCME L444 2nd VP
Water Distribution Crew Foreman


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