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Tony Martin’s AFSCME 45th international convention report


45th International Convention, Philadelphia, Pa

July 11-15, 2022

(All Together)


Thanks to everyone for you support and trust by your votes and allowing me to attend my 1st International Convention.

It was exciting and fruitful listening to a lot of locals and the challenges they are dealing with.

I sat in a workshop titled (Strong Stewards, Strong Union)

07/12/2022, Tuesday

5 key roles of a steward, (Identification, Investigation, Documentation, Preparation and Presentation).

I believe following these steps will help one grow for any task, not only as a 444 member, but in our everyday lives not matter the challenges we face.

07/13/2022, Wednesday

I sat in on a workshop titled, (Law Enforcement)

I attended for 2 reasons. 1st, I wanted to know the internal issues they deal with. I realized they have the same issues as any other union. Management wants more work for less pay.

The 2nd reason was there was a Resolution #26 (For a Cop-Free AFSCME). This resolution was introduced at a convention back in 2018. It was voted down then and was voted down this month. Alice Rosewater, Delegate AFSCME Local 3758, Council 2 Washington State, submitted this. This was one of the biggest debates on the floor.

(Resolutions and Amendments)

There was around 40 Resolutions that the body (Union Delegates) voted on. Examples, Health Care, Federal Policy, Growing and connecting Union Child Care and many others.

Amendments: some had language changes; others may have actions attached to them.


(Key Note Speakers)

Liz Shuler, First female President, of AFL-CIO. History has been made.

Marty Walsh, U.S. Labor Secretary. – (Rebuilding Middle Class)




-Fun Side of the Convention-

A lot of Councils and Locals Pins, which they traded with others. It’s a big deal at Conventions. A woman from New York gave Eric, Dave and I the business for not having pins. Dave and I pointed at Eric. (All in Fun).

Several people had vest full of pins. As of now, I believe Hawaii maybe the most popular that the Unions seek out the most.

Sad News

I found out when I returned that a number of people tested positive for Covid. They had to stay in Philadelphia for 5 days. The International picked up the bill, but will send the respective locals a bill for reimbursement. I looked around every day during the assembly and notice that a huge number of people did not keep their mask on. Please be mindful at Work and in Public to wear you mask. If not for others, for you and your family.



Tony Martin

Afscme L-444, 1st VP

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