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  1. What is AFSCME Local 444?
    AFSCME is an international union made up of a diverse group of people who share a common commitment to public service. AFSCME (American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees) is part of the AFL-CIO. Local 444 is a vital part of the international union.
  2. Why do I need a union?
    To make a difference, our voices must be heard. We are heard best when organized. We gain strength in numbers and it takes a united effort to make real changes on the job.
  3. Why join AFSCME Local 444?
    As Local 444 members, we have the power to make a difference at the bargaining table. Ten voices are stronger than one. One hundred voices are stronger than ten. Five hundred voices are stronger than one hundred. Stand together and be heard.
  4. Why should I volunteer to participate in 444?
    Big corporations, nonprofits that act like corporations and anti-worker politicians are attacking public employees and the services we provide. Their goal is simple: privatize our jobs, strip us of our benefits and dismantle the public sector. Politicians have always sided with the rich and powerful—they always will—and they ignore the needs of the middle class.
  5. Who runs AFSCME Local 444?
    We all do. Local 444 is run by its members. Every member has a vote in the election of union officers, executive board members, trustees and stewards. The negotiating team is elected by the members and the contact that they think is best must be voted on by the membership in order to be accepted. We have our own constitution and governing documents. Members decide on policies, activities and dues.
  6. How can we get more power on the job?
    By working together, we can win a strong contract and protect our jobs and our futures. The challenges are enormous. Health care premiums are skyrocketing, the district wants to curtail our retirement, politicians are cutting budgets and our jobs are under attack by those who seek to privatize and outsource our work. The only way we can fight back is to mobilize our membership, stand together and refuse to be scapegoats.
  7. Where does the money go from my dues?
    Monies are used to pay rent, utilities, internet access, website, UBL (union business leave), international union dues, Council 57 dues, Alameda Labor Council dues, Contra Costa Labor Council dues, office supplies, mailings, flyers, newsletter printing, good and welfare (bereavement cards and flowers, holiday party (i.e. turkeys), retirement parties at union halls, conferences, monies for special causes (other unions on strike), strike fund and classes for officers, Executive Board members and stewards.
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