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Interim Covid Safety Program – Letter from President Larsen

Union Sisters and Brothers,

Over the previous week the Unions have been demanding that the District stop non-essential work, identify critical staffing and allow to the extent operationally feasible for our people to shelter-in-place on paid admin leave, providing some kind of week-on/week-off rotation of staff in order to reduce our exposure to the corona virus. Until this past Monday, that proposal had been rejected by management.

At the Board meeting yesterday, with the support of many of your union brothers and sisters who showed up or called in to express their commitment to our work, our families and our community, management has conceded to our interim rotating shifts proposal (click here). This is a work in progress and I expect will be instituted differently depending on the specific circumstances of the different divisions, departments and work units. This is already being rolled out in some work groups, but there is not a formal plan as of yet.

The Locals will be meeting with management again this afternoon and will be requesting sub-committees be formed from each affected department to develop the most effective plans for the work group.

This will not be perfect and will require engagement in developing this interim COVID-19 safety program. Please work collaboratively with management and your stewards as we develop protocols to provide better working conditions and safety for our workers and their families.

In Solidarity,

Eric Larsen




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