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Message from AFSCME Local 444 President, Eric Larsen

Message of the President of AFSCME Local 444,
RE: George Floyd, Black Lives Matter and civil unrest.

AFSCME local 444 condemns violence in all its forms and in this time of crisis calls out institutional racism that has wrought a history of terror across communities of color, harmed through economic oppression, unequal access to healthcare, greater exposure to toxic substances and unsafe working conditions, a history of intentional housing disparity and food insecurity; who suffer a disproportionate rate of incarceration and use of excessive force and deadly force; from countless lynching’s to the execution style murder of an unarmed black man, George Floyd of Minneapolis, by a heavily armed white police officer with 18 counts of misconduct on his record, who was at the time training junior officers. Junior officers who stood by while an unarmed black man lay on the ground, gasping for air with the weight of a 200 lbs knee on his neck. “I can’t breathe” is the refrain of far too many people.

As President of our union, AFSCME local 444, I condemn these actions, behaviors and attitudes. I condemn these murders, the brutality and the theft of stolen lives and property. I stand in solidarity with the civil unrest and protests that have taken hold of our nation. We are demanding change. We are demanding a better America where black men and all people of color do not have to fear racist oppression and terroristic attacks; whether execution, assassination or alienation. We demand a just America which provides equality and opportunity to ALL people, and demands an end of racist actions, attitudes and behavior.

We will not get through this time without clear eyed and honest communication, discussion and dialog. Trades unionism is founded on these principals of equality and inclusion. It is with this in mind, I have asked Brothers Paul Irvine and Tyrell Jackson to co-chair an AFSCME 444 anti-racist labor committee. We are in the process of drafting our mission statement and developing the committee structure, which is open to all. Please contact myself or the co-chairs if you would like to learn, contribute, inquire, participate or simply have a thought to offer on the subject of racist and anti-racist behavior in the workplace and in American society at large.


In Solidarity,

Eric Larsen, President

AFSCME Local 444For George Floyd (46), Sandra Bland (28), Eric Garner (44), Tamir Rice (12), Trevon Martin (17), Phillano Castile (32), Oscar Grant (22), Ahmaun Arbery (25), Breonna Taylor (26), Emmett Till (14), and many, many others.

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