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Now Is Not the Time to Side with Corporations – Message from AFSCME Council 57


AFSCME Members,

Just over a week ago, an unarmed, innocent black man was murdered by a Minnesota police officer. The killing of George Floyd—along with the murders of two other innocent black people, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery—has fueled protests around the world calling for swift justice in their names.

Protestors give us hope in calling for much-needed, long-overdue, change. Union members, such as the Minneapolis bus drivers of ATU 1005—who refused to transport protestors to jail—have been supporting and joining the protests in the streets and virtually. We need to affirm the right to live free and the right to speak out when we see injustice.

And even though, as an essential worker, you may not have the ability to join a particular protest, there are many ways you can get involved to enact change.

Now is not the time to side with corporations and politicians who would rather bail out the wealthy while everyone else is left to fend for themselves. That’s not what the labor movement has fought for. That’s not what America is about.

Local, county and state governments across the country will be looking to make cuts as they face budget shortfalls because of the COVID-19 pandemic. We MUST ensure they do not cut critical public services, and we must also address economic, social and racial inequalities that put all our freedoms in jeopardy.

If you can, we’d like you to join us at 8 a.m. PST this Wednesday, June 3, to listen to national labor leaders–including AFSCME’s Lee Saunders–hold a conversation on the racial injustices that have been taking place. You can watch the address live on the San Francisco Labor Council’s Facebook page.

There are also many groups you can support, petitions you can sign, and numerous places you can donate, volunteer and take action. Here are just a few ways to take action:

  • Participate in the Movement for Black Lives’ Week of Action.
  • Check out this list of bail funds around the U.S. and donate if you can.
  • Support black-owned businesses in your area.
  • Register to vote and make sure your family, friends and colleagues are ready for November’s election.
  • For our white members: Here are 75 things you can do for racial justice.

Let’s all do our part to show that #BlackLivesMatter and that this is our fight.

In solidarity,

Charles Allen, Executive Director
Steve Jovel, President
AFSCME Council 57

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